Klingon Tea Ceremony
An Ephemeral Installation and Performance (2014-2016)
Credits: Echo Ho and Megumi Fukuda
This project was realised in four variations at four different locations: Künstlerdorf Schöppingen.
2015 Ito-Raum Stuttgart, Gallery Alexander Ochs Private Berlin, 2016 at Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt Cologne
Klingon Tea Ceremony:
An Ephemeral Installation and Performance.
In this project, the focus is on the interests of exploring and reflecting the intersection between artificial and natural, between perfection and imperfection.
The performance is a distanced observation into the habit of ritualistic ceremony. We do not intend to re-present our own ancient cultures but, instead, to apply gestures of the ritual in the age-old performances. Besides using sound, light, and objects to create an ephemeral garden, the ceremonial site invites and encourages visitors to treasure every encounter for it will never recur.
As a classic memory game for small groups—two, three, or four players—whether among friends or family, the memory game is the variant of choice. Simply place all the cards face down on the table. By the way, the 64 cards can be arranged in a rectangle of 8 by 8.
But first, of course: shuffle thoroughly!
Then, each player takes turns flipping over two cards. If they match, the player gets to keep the pair. Whoever has the largest stack at the end wins.
The trick, of course, is to remember exactly where each card is located.