Temporay Nations

Credits: Echo Ho & Piotr Wyrzykowski

The work was commissioned by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Poland as part of the Polska 100 celebrations.

Worldwide mobile performance | 16 October 2019, Tetramatyka Festival, Łesi Kurbas Theater, Lviv, Ukraine

    Piotr Wyrzykowski and Echo Ho‘s project provokes a post-digital dance ritual, emphasising selfless collective creation, encouraging people to forget mobile screens, and reenacting connectedness by activating bodily movements and collaboration. This situation fosters otherness as the emerging community draws on the originality, distinctness and diversity of the individuals comprising it. The resulting dance-and-musical event is prosocial and educational, while the technology it employs is utopian in character. As part of the Polska 100 celebrations, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute has commissioned audiovisual works that employ emerging media and stem from creative collaboration between European artists and composers. These works are for performance and immersive experience, exploring new trajectories of art and technology.